Hiking on the Ice Age Trail | Mecan River Segment
April 30th, 2021
Hiking 33 miles on the Ice Age Trail and biking 23 miles in Northern Wisconsin. It took me about 3 days to complete the hike and bike. I hiked the Alta Junction, Harrison Hills, Parrish Hills, and Highland Lakes segments.
Find more info on the trail here: https://iceagetrail.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=5ff8f517b1e34d46bb70ed21b36286c6
- Alta Junction Segment - 1.2 Miles
- Harrison Hills Segment - 14.5 Miles
- Parrish Hills Segment - 12.0 Miles
- Highland Lakes Segment - 5.9 Miles
- Total: 33.6 Miles
I parked at the Alta Junction Segment southern parking lot and stashed my bike in the woods at the end of the Highland Lakes Segment. Then I biked back 23 miles.